
Mesa Arts Center is committed to making its performances and facilities accessible to all our patrons. If you need to request an accommodation to attend a performance at the Theaters, please mention your request to the ticket agent during the time of the purchase. If you need to purchase accessibility seating, please call the Box Office at 480-644-6500, or email If you have questions or recommendations regarding accessibility, or need assistance, please contact us at You can speak with our Accessibility Coordinator Sarah Goedicke directly at 480.644.6607, or email her at



Large Print Playbills

Large Print Playbills are available with prior notice. Other printed materials are available in alternative formats upon request with at least a 2-week notice. Please call (480) 644-6500 or email us at


Braille Playbills

Braille playbills are available with at least a 2-week notice. To request a playbill in braille, please call (480) 644-6500 or email us at


Audio-Described Performances

Audio Description is available upon request with at least a 2-week prior notice and based on availability of a qualified describer.  Please call (480) 644-6500 or email us at

Assistive Listening Devices

Infrared assistive listening devices are available at all performances in the theaters. Headsets are free of charge and subject to availability. Additional Assistive Listening Devices are available at Patron Services. Patrons attending performances may obtain Assistive Listening Devices at Patron Services or contact the House Manager.  


Listen Everywhere app (LISTENWIFI APP)

Listen Everywhere, our new WiFi-assisted listening system (ALS) is now live in the theaters. This app-based system can be easily downloaded onto patrons' phones, allowing them to listen through headphones or Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids. To get started, patrons simply need to scan the QR code to connect to the ALS-specific WiFi and then scan another QR code to download the app. The app only needs to be downloaded once, but patrons will need to connect to the WiFi each time they enter the building. If they forget their headphones, the app will automatically connect to their Bluetooth hearing aids, provided they are already paired with their phone.


For those who didn't bring headphones, we offer complimentary ones. Additionally, we provide in-house devices running the app for patrons who encounter difficulties or prefer not to use their own phones. We still maintain the old system for those less comfortable with new technology.


Download the ListenWIFI App on your Mobile Device with the links below:

Apple App Store for ListenWIFI App


Google App Store for ListenWIFI App



Sign Language Interpretation
Sign language interpreted performances are available upon request with at least a two-week notice and based on availability of a qualified interpreter.  To request sign language interpretation or to find out more information about this service, please call (480) 644-6500(voice) or contact us at


Parking spaces are available at the Mesa Arts Center for vehicles displaying valid DMV accessible parking stickers or license plates on a first-come basis. Click here to view a parking map.

Accessible Entrances

There are elevators to all levels of the Mesa Arts Center theater building, studio buildings and Mesa Contemporary Arts.  All entrances to the Mesa Arts Center are accessible.


Accessible Seating

There are wheelchair-accessible locations and companion seating on any available level in each theater.  There are aisle transfer seats in all theaters.  Please inform the box office of any special requirements when purchasing your tickets.  To talk to our customer service staff about accessible seating, call (480) 644-6500 or contact us at



Elevators are located throughout the Mesa Arts Center for easy access to all levels of the theater, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum and the studios building. There are six elevators available to the public. In addition, there is a wheelchair lift for the Ikeda Theater located outside of the south side of the Ikeda Theater house. If you need assistance with an elevator or an elevator is not working, please call security at 480-644-6630.


Courtesy Wheelchairs
Courtesy wheelchairs are available for our patrons and visitors while they are at the Mesa Arts Center. Wheelchairs are available at Patron Services and subject to availability. Please note that staff, volunteers, and ushers are not able to assist patrons in transferring or to provide personal attendant services.


Accessible Restrooms

Wheelchair-accessible restrooms are available throughout the Mesa Arts Center.  Infant changing stations area available in both the Men's and Women's restrooms.  Please contact the House Manager during performance for further assistance.


Parking spaces for persons with disabilities are available in the Mesa Arts Center parking lot for vehicles displaying accessible parking stickers or license plates. These spaces are available on a first-come basis. Click here to view a parking map.

Mesa Arts Center’s staff and volunteers have gone through the rigorous process of autism certification training by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES).


Low sensory areas/quiet rooms are available upon request. To request access to a quiet room:

  • Please see the house manager in the theater building.
  • Please see the receptionist in Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum.
  • Please visit the information booth at community events and festivals.


A few sensory kits are available to check out in the theaters, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum and at Mesa Arts Center community events. Instructions to check out a sensory kit are below:

  • Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum: Sensory kits can be checked out with a Photo ID from the front desk in the museum (located by the main entrance).
  • Theaters: A photo ID will be needed to check out the sensory kit. Ask any usher to direct you to the House Manager for this service.
  • Community Events: Visitors can check out a sensory kit from the information table with a photo ID.


For student shows, we have the following slideshow presentation available to prepare students for the upcoming performance: Social Story: Attending the Theater.

Mesa Arts Center proudly participates in the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program since not all disabilities are obvious. Mesa Arts Center guests can ask any house manager for a lanyard or bracelet to let staff know they may need some extra help or time during their visit.

Our threshold 360 tour takes you on a virtual tour of the Mesa Arts Center campus so you can plan your visit in advance. Theaters, Art Studios, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum Galleries, bathrooms and our parking lot are all available to view on this virtual tour.



View MAC Campus!

Service Animals


Mesa Arts Center complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA laws pertaining to service animals. We welcome guests with disabilities who wish to bring their service animals into the theaters, though pets that are not trained to be service animals are not allowed inside.


Service animals, as defined under federal ADA law, are welcome inside the venues at Mesa Arts Center, but must be leashed, harnessed, or tethered, and under control by the person at all times.

Service animals will rest in the seating area of their owner, rather than in the aisle. A guest whose service animal poses a disturbance or threat to the safety of other guests and employees may be asked to escort the animal off the premises.



Definition of a service animal

As defined by the ADA, the term “service animal” means a dog or miniature horse* that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.


Service animals are working animals, not pets.

Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or animals that provide comfort just by being with a person are NOT considered service animals because they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task. Therefore, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and will not be admitted to Mesa Arts Center. *Due to weight, size and safety requirement necessary for the safe operations of the facility, some venues at the Mesa Arts Center are inaccessible for a miniature horse.  

Mesa Arts Center’s theater building has two Family restrooms located on the second level.


The family restroom nearest to the Ikeda Theater is next to the Men's restroom, elevator and near the Ikeda Parterre Right Nine entrance to the theater. This restroom has a small room/waiting area that is separate from the restroom facility.


The other Family restroom is located by the elevator on the second level and next to the Playhouse Balcony Twelve Entrance.

As part of our commitment to accessibility, Mesa Arts Center offers more than three times the minimum accessible parking required by ADA law.


Plan Ahead for Large Events
Parking in Downtown Mesa can be extremely limited during larger or multiple performances. To secure an accessible parking spot, we strongly recommend arriving at least one hour before showtime.


Parking spaces for persons with disabilities are available in the Mesa Arts Center parking lot for vehicles displaying accessible parking stickers or license plates. These spaces are available on a first come basis. Click here to view a parking map.


Located on the second floor of the Playhouse Lobby.


Mamava’s first lactation pod, the Original, was intentionally designed for privacy and comfort for parents and quick implementation, easy cleaning, and flexibility for facilities. Its unique shape also serves to broadcast that breastfeeding is happening all the time, all around and that parents need spaces and support. 


Find thousands of approved places to pump or nurse with Mamava’s free app.