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At the Mesa Arts Center there are many ways to give in order to support public access to arts and arts learning. Learn more about how to support the Mesa Arts Center through our 501(c)3 support organization, the Mesa Arts Center Foundation, below.
Mesa Arts Center Foundation's Tax ID/EIN number is: 74-2535164.
Naming Opportunities
Mesa Arts Center offers many unique naming opportunities on our architecturally stunning, seven-acre campus. Gifts start at $25,000. For more information, or to schedule a tour to see what gift best fits your area of interest, call Dawn Farley at 480-644-6613 or email developmentdirector@mesaartscenter.com.
IRA Rollover
As you may know, Individuals over the age of 72 are required to take an annual minimum distribution from their traditional IRA accounts. You can reduce your income tax liability on your required minimum distribution by making a tax-free charitable IRA distribution (also called an IRA charitable rollover or qualified charitable distribution) to Mesa Arts Center Foundation. By taking advantage of the IRA Charitable Rollover, you become a member of our Legacy Giving Circle.
If you have questions, please call Dawn Farley at 480-644-6613 or email developmentdirector@mesaartscenter.com.
Stock Donations
When you transfer stock to the Mesa Arts Center Foundation, you are helping to provide access to quality arts experiences and engagement to youth, seniors, veterans and our community. If you have questions, please call Dawn Farley at 480-644-6613 or email developmentdirector@mesaartscenter.com.
Donor-Advised Fund
If you have a donor-advised fund, you can recommend grants to the Mesa Arts Center Foundation in support of your favorite programs and events.
If you have questions, please call Dawn Farley at 480-644-6613 or email developmentdirector@mesaartscenter.com.
Workplace Giving
Check with your employer about workplace giving campaigns and matching gift opportunities. A very small percentage of your paycheck can make a major difference in creating access to impactful arts experiences. Many companies have payroll deduction programs available to their employees. Ask your human resources representative how to participate and obtain the required form.
If your employer uses the United Way as their vehicle for giving, just write in
“Mesa Arts Center Foundation One East Main Street, PO Box 1466, Mesa, Arizona 85211-1466” under Agency Name.
Many employers also match, fully or in part, all donations made by their employees to Mesa Arts Center Foundation. Please check with your employer to see if they match. If you have questions, please contact developmentdirector@mesaartscenter.com or call (480) 644-6604.
Volunteering & Volunteering Grants
With volunteer grants, or “dollars for doers,” companies gift grants to nonprofits where their employees volunteer.
Do you currently volunteer or serve on a committee or board at MAC? Or, would you like to volunteer at MAC? If so, you may be able to work on something you’re passionate about and utilize your employer’s volunteer program to get paid to volunteer while earning grant dollars for MAC.
Reach out to your human resources team to learn more about its employee volunteering policies, including volunteer grants that can help to support your favorite MAC programs!
Learn more about volunteering at MAC here: https://mesaartscenter.com/getinvolved
If you have questions, please contact developmentdirector@mesaartscenter.com or call (480) 644-6604.
Support Mesa Arts Center Foundation every time you shop Amazon at no cost to you. When you shop using AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchase to Mesa Arts Center Foundation. To get started, visit smile.amazon.com using your existing Amazon login and password, search for “Mesa Arts Center Foundation” as your charity, and start shopping!
Online Fundraisers
Want to share your passion for access to arts experiences with your network? Use Facebook’s giving platform to host a fundraiser for Mesa Arts Center. Learn more here.