Arts in Service Policies


Arts in Service is a grant funded program and may offer different classes and programs throughout the year. Use the policies below to help understand the program structure and policies. 


New students are welcome! Most Arts in Service classes do not require prior experience. 

  • You can register online, over the phone, or in person for Arts in Service, and will be asked to verify your service via email upon registering. 
  • New students can send in their driver's license or DD214 to verify service. We do not keep this information once verified. 
  • Requirements to attend Arts in Service are simply that you are a veteran or service-member of the United States Armed Forces.
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  • Starting Fall 2022, participants will be limited to two Arts in Service classes per semester in an effort to increase access for all those who wish to attend. There are three semesters in a calendar year (Winter/Spring, Summer, and Fall). 
  • Participants can only register themselves online, in-person, or over the phone. You are not permitted to register other individuals or hold seats for other students. 
  • Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • Please include a valid email address when you register as this is how your instructor and Mesa Arts Center staff will contact you with important information. 
  • If you can no longer attend class, whether class has started or not, we ask that you please contact the Box Office immediately so that we may give your seat to another service-member or veteran. The Box Office can be reached at (480) 644-6500 or by emailing
  • Class may be cancelled due to weather (if outdoors) or instructor availability. We will strive to contact students as early as possible, and a make-up class may or may not be scheduled if there is instructor availability. 
  • Class offerings may change throughout the year and/or may not be offered every semester. Mesa Arts Center seeks to provide a diverse range of classes to interest all service-members and veterans. 

Some Arts in Service classes are rated Intermediate or Advanced and are intended for Arts in Service students who have mastered foundational techniques and skills, and are ready for more complex projects. All staff want students to be successful and enjoy class, and for this reason may recommend you for a beginning level course or something more advanced. 


  • Students wishing to enroll in an intermediate or advanced class must have instructor permission. 
  • Prior experience at a different arts organization may or may not qualify you for an advanced level class. Please contact the instructor to verify prior to registering. 
  • Students should expect to take a beginning level Arts in Service class several times before enrolling in an intermediate or advanced class. This is normal! Students in both beginning and advanced level classes are free to pursue their own projects once they have learned the basic skills. 
  • If you are a beginner and register for an advanced Arts in Service class, you will be contacted and may be unenrolled. 
  • Currently, advanced levels are being offered in the following disciplines:
    • Welding
    • Ceramics
      • **Intermediate/Advanced Ceramics students should not register for beginning ceramics as this curriculum will be more aligned to beginner projects, and should be made accessible to students who still need to master basic skills and techniques. 
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Here at Mesa Arts Center, we know that Military Spouses/Partners serve too and that friends and family play a big role in the lives of service-members and veterans! For this reason, we are launching our "We Serve Too!" program in Fall 2022. 


While some programming may be open to military spouses, Arts in Service classes are specifically for service-members and veterans only. Any programming that is part of Arts in Service and is open to friends and family will be clearly labeled. We encourage family members and friends to support their soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen, and coasties through the Arts in Service Annual Exhibition every May! 

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