Picture (THIS)

Picture (THIS)

Combines the written word of poetry and the digital world of film + animation to create Poetry in MOTION. These (10 to 12 week) residencies will consist of taking an idea from concept to a professionally produced digital story. Our teaching artist will guide participants through the tools of collaboration, research, story boarding & video production. In culmination of this residency series, all participants will have the opportunity to submit their work to be viewed at an annual film festival.


Picture (THIS) Digital Storytelling Festival & Anthology Release Party

Upon the completion of the second semester of programming, our team will host a final celebration where student will have the opportunity to showcase their work on the “BIG Stage.” The “BIG Stage” is both a blessing and curse. On one side of the coin, it is an exciting privilege to have the opportunity to be featured on a “Big Stage” in front of your friends, family and community members. However, on the other side of the coin lives anxiety, fear and the weight of the responsibility of having your story shared for the world to witness. The Picture (THIS) Festival aims to allow our students to face their fears and equip them with the tools to step into their greatness by connecting them with mentors, curriculum and opportunity to shine bright. The motto for this festival is “Expression Squared = Resilience”


Upcoming events

Picture (This) Showcase & Anthology Book Release

Sat, Apr 12 | 7:00 PM-9:30 PM 

Piper Theater

FREE event