Join us for a special storytelling workshop series facilitated by Golden Roller Skates! Participants will engage in interactive storytelling/writing activities that will inform the creation of an artful memory box based on the experiences of their unique lives. Participants are invited to bring photos, mementos/souvenirs, and other items from home to fill their memory box. Box and art materials will be provided.

This isn't just a return to memory lane, it's an adventure with newfound friends! There will be snacks, and lots of laughs as we share our stories and create together. Gather your memories, your creativity, and your enthusiasm, and let's create something truly golden together! Come celebrate the beautiful tapestry of your life.


To find out more about non-profit, Golden Roller Skates, visit the website:


To register: Please email to register today! 


Date: Wednesdays, Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Location: Drama Studio | 2nd Floor, South Studios Building | 1 E Main Street Mesa, AZ 85201 


Parking: Free parking on Main Street, 1st Avenue, and Center Street, and in our parking lot on the northeast corner of Center Street and 1st Avenue.